Compliment Expression Sehari-hari

Want to Feel More Positive? Learn to Give Genuine Compliments - Happify  Daily
Source: Happify

Pujian atau dalam bahasa Inggris, kita mengenal dengan sebutan Compliment, dapat membuat seseorang merasa bahagia apabila menerimanya dari seseorang.

Menurut buku Pathway to English 1

Compliments are used to say something good about a person and express admiration. Compliments help people maintain good relationships with each other. they can be given verbally, but also in writing. In business, people sometimes express compliments for their colleagues on a card that is sent with a parcel.

Sejalan dengan pengertian dalam buku tersebut, jadi kita bisa memberikan pujian dalam bentuk verbal (ucapan) maupun dalam bentuk tulisan.

Nah, berikut expression yang dapat kalian gunakan sehari-hari untuk memuji.



-That’s a lovely cake.

-That was a nice lunch.

-You look nice in that dress.

-What a lovely garden!

-You’re really a good cook.

-You’ve done a great job.

-You did it very well.

-Well, done!

-You’re doing just fine.

-You’re doing great.

-Thank you.

-I’m glad you enjoyed it.

-Do you really think so?

-It’s nice of you to say so.

-Thank you very much.


-I’m glad you like it.

-Thanks a lot.




-Nice work, Ahmad.

-That was a great game, Jon.

-You deserve a lot of credit for all the work you’ve done, Fuad.

-Don’t I get any credit?

-Don’t I deserve some credit for what I did?

-Wasn’t what I did worth anything?

Semoga dapat membantu kalian dalam meningkatkan kemampuan berbahasa Inggrisnya ya. Jangan lupa share ke temen-temen yg lainnya, jika menurut kalian artikel ini bermanfaat.
